VCI Rust Inhibiting Paper
Kraft Wrap is a top supplier of VCI paper to industrial and commercial manufacturers in the United States and around the world. VCI paper is a kraft packaging paper manufactured with added rust preventing chemicals.
VCI chemicals are often added to paper and plastic substrates for use in automotive, steel, and metal packaging as well as military and hobby markets.
What Can It Protect?
VCI paper can protect components made of steel, aluminum, brass, copper, zinc, and other non-ferrous metals.
What is VCI?
VCI, Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor, is used to protect ferrous and non-ferrous metals against corrosion or oxidation where it is not practical to apply surface treatments. They slowly release chemical compounds within a sealed airspace that actively prevents surface corrosion. Typical applications include protecting stored tools or steel parts inside bags, boxes, or enclosures. One advantage of using VCI paper is that if the container is opened and reclosed, the levels of inhibitor will recover.
VCI Sheets, Rolls, Bags Delivered
Kraft Wrap can deliver VCI sheets, paper rolls, or VCI bags (corrosion-inhibiting wrap) through our converting services in just about any quantity or size, directly to your location.
Our proven VCI Paper provides anti-corrosion protection for increased life of your tools, metal parts, machined parts, and any item that is prone to oxidation. VCI protects your metals for up to 2 years when properly packed and stored.
Call us today at 1-586-755-2050 for more information on our VCI anti-rust paper and a detailed quote. We would be pleased to have the opportunity to assist you.